Face Challenges, Win at Q4


Sales System of T&W held an mobilization meeting

"Face Challenges, Win at Q4" — A mobilization meeting of the Sales System was held at the Luju Villa in the morning of October 31. The entire personnel of the Sales System gathered at this meeting to summarize the achievements of the previous three quarters and to prepare for the challenges in the coming fourth quarter. In addition, this meeting also aimed at mobilizing the entire personnel to make good preparations for the sales tasks of the next year.
At the mobilization meeting, personnel of the sales departments reported the sales conditions of their regions and customers, and analyzed and summarized the current sales situation. Some of them seriously summarized their work and made self criticism; some experienced ones shared their sales experience for mutual study and progress. Chen Wei, director of the Sales System, listened carefully and provided directive suggestions, which helped the audiences understand the current market trends and existing problems. Chen Wei also cleared up the sales product in the fourth quarter and specified subsequent sales tasks.
The entire sales personnel participated in a bicycle competition the next day, surrounded by the blue ocean and green mountain. Right at this moment, we summarize the past; we look forward to the future; we accumulate strength and energy. Face challenges, win at Q4, and we will make greater achievements in 2010.

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