Dalian Bandao Celebrates Its 2nd Anniversary


September 5, 2018 was a special day for Dalian Bandao as it marks the second anniversary of the establishment of Dalian Bandao Technology Co., Ltd. With passion and joy, Dalian company held the grand anniversary celebration with the active efforts and cooperation of the leaders and all employees of the company. All employees of Dalian first watched the propaganda film Smelting, which described the development process of Bandao. Sun Tingzhan, General Manager of Dalian Bandao delivered a speech at the activity, which summed up the company development this year, and talked about the current promising situation, and depicted the bright future. Meanwhile, he thanked the hard work by all the staff and he firmly believed that the future will be bound to be more brilliant. Everyone sang the birthday song and cut cakes, and sincerely blessed for a bright future of Dalian company.

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