Taicang T&W Won the First Place among Outstanding Grassroots Mediation Organizations of Suzhou


To effectively promote the harmony and stability of labor relations, in recent years, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have actively promoted the construction of grassroots mediation organizations. As a listed company, Taicang T&W Electronics Co., Ltd. advocates humanized management. Under the leadership of Ren Chi, Director of the Employee Relation Department, Taicang T&W Electronic Labor Dispute Mediation Committee was established, and it focuses on prevention work and strengthens the mediation function work, laying a solid foundation for the construction of an enterprise with harmonious labor relations.

On December 13th, 2018, leaders from Suzhou Municipal Bureau, leaders from Taicang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and leaders from the High-tech Zone Human Resources and Social Security Bureau visited Taicang T&W for survey and evaluation. Ren Chi, Director of Taicang T&W Labor Dispute Mediation Committee, reported on the Company’s situation, corporate culture, team qualifications, and work of mediation committee, which were well received by the research team leaders.

In 2019, at the invitation of Suzhou government unit, Taicang T&W Labor Dispute Mediation Committee actively participated in the appraisal and selection activity of “2018 Suzhou Excellent Labor and Personnel Dispute Grassroots Mediation Organizations”, and won the first place among “Suzhou excellent grassroots mediation organizations” by virtue of its capability of constructing excellent grassroots mediation organizations.

On April 23rd, leaders from Taicang Government Labor Bureau went to Taicang T&W to present the award. Wang Dawei, Chairman of the Company, attended the award ceremony and exchanged ideas with the municipal leaders. At the meeting, the visiting leaders of Taicang Labor Bureau praised highly the grassroots mediation work of T&W, and expressed that our Company is the benchmark in the excellent labor mediation organizations of Taicang City, and suggested our Company to actively participate in the appraisal & election of 2019 Jiangsu outstanding grassroots labor mediation organizations.

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