The core of the company’s second venture is craftsman spirit and China manufacturing 2025


The 2015 annual production staff commendation and “T&W people deeply attached to each other” show of Xinqiao

“Strengthen discipline, find the gap and cultivate artisan spirit to refine high quality products; promote the transformation and development and build smart factory to welcome China manufacturing 2025.” On the morning of May 7, the 2015 annual production staff commendation and " T&W people deeply attached to each other" show of Xinqiao was solemnly held and more than 3,000 employees witnessed the glory time of 153 prize winners and 12 advanced teams and groups, enjoyed the brilliant and splendid performances and deeply felt the gratitude and reluctance of 7 old employees who have been in the company for more than 18 years to the company. Company Chairman Wang Dawei and the company leaders including Qi Jianzhong, Wei Yiming, Long Xiaojing, Chen Kai, Fan Shuyi, Zhang Wei, Zhao Xingwang, Wen Wanxing and Zeng Baoshan attended the general assembly, and awarded the prizes to the winners. This year, in addition to honoring 105 outstanding employees, 43 quality models, 12 advanced teams, 5 employees moved T&W, old employee recognition link and craftsmen moved T&W awards were included.

At the commendation meeting, Wang Dawei, the chairman of the company issued crystal trophy, certificate of honor and 2000 yuan bonus to progressive T&W employee Bai Yumei, civilized T&W employee Luo Junyi, combatant T&W employee Yang Kai, innovative T&W employee Zhang Zihui and T&W craftsman Huang Chaohai. Following the moving melody of “The friendship between the leaves and the roots”, Wang Xiaofen, Li Xiaolan and other seven old employees who have been in the company for 18 years stepped on the stage to accept the flowers and awards issued by the leaders and express their most sincere thanks and greetings to the company. It is reported that the outstanding staff and quality model can enjoy a one-day tour in the province in addition to the certificate of honor and a thousand Yuan bonus. The selection focused on personal deeds and combined with recommendation by oneself or others. Judges selected finalists based on the declared story and employees passed 15 days of publicity have the final qualification, and the process was with full transparency to ensure fair and impartial.

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