"Rehabilitation Express" Launched inRehabilitation Forum


On July 16, 2016 Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taiwan Wan Hui RehabilitationForum and Occupational Therapy Forum was successfully held atthe Panglin Hotel Shenzhen. "Rehabilitation Express" – the professionalmedical rehabilitation services platform based on the Internet of Things under Bandao Stock was shown on the stage magnificently and become the limelight of the audience. Moreover, it was specially reported by Channel of First Scene and Shenzhen Public Channel.

As a grand gathering in the rehabilitation medicine circle, a number of authoritative expertsat home and abroad were invited to the Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taiwan Wan Hui Rehabilitation Forum this year to make special reports, and successfully attracted more than one thousand elites in the medical rehabilitation circle to jointly discuss the future development and innovation technology of China's rehabilitation medical treatment. Therefore, "Rehabilitation Express" also has become a hot topic in their discussion.

Professor Yan Tiebin– Chairman of Guangdong Provincial Rehabilitation Association andVice Chairman of the National Rehabilitation Association and Professor Wang Yulong -- Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Rehabilitation Association, Director of Rehabilitation Division of the Second People's Hospital of Shenzhen spoke highly of "Rehabilitation Express" when they were interviewed by the reporters of First Scene and Shenzhen Public Channel. Professor Wang Yulong pointed out, "In the era of network and science and technology, rehabilitation medicine shall also be advanced constantly. The patients, doctors, services, equipment and so on shall be closely linked together to create a science and technology platform benefiting the people, medicine and national policies. It is the right direction for the future rehabilitation development, and ‘Rehabilitation Express’ was established based on this very point.

“Rehabilitation Express” is featured by four major characteristics: 1)Medication reminder: connection ofintelligent medicine box and building of hardware prototype of the Internet of Things;2) Expert interrogation:super-fastinterrogationby the authoritative expert team; 3) Bed reservation: fast and effective bed reservation without queuing; 2) expert consultation: the rapid recovery of patients with acute cerebral infarction; 4) Care workers services: it is integrated with high-quality care workers resources to ensure the professional rehabilitation services. (To be updated later with the addition of more rehabilitation services based on the Internet of Things)

"Rehabilitation Express" is the innovative developmentby following the"Internet of Things + IntelligentMedical Treatment"segmentedfrom "Internet + IntelligentMedical Treatment"strongly advocated the state, and it also conforms to the current rehabilitation therapy in response to the demand of state classified diagnosis and treatment new policies of the era; moreover, it is highly adaptive to the general environment of the patients and doctors with upgradedexperience. Therefore, it is so much favored by the elites inthe field of rehabilitation and medical treatment.


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