Jin Xiandong, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Division of National Development and Reform Commission and his Party Visiting South China Netcom


On the afternoon of September 25, Jin Xiandong, deputy director of Comprehensive Division of National Development and Reform Commission, accompanied by major leaders such as Huang Huadong, chief economic manager of Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province; Shu Chang, a division director from Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen City and relevant leaders of Pingshan District, came to South China Netcom to guide work, investigate the basic situation about the enterprise’s operation for the first half of this year and study the development environment of next year. General Manager Wei Honghai and Deputy General Manager Chen Chunrong of South China Netcom attended the reception.
At the investigation forum, General Manager Wei Honghai extended warm welcome to Deputy Director Jin Xiandong and his party and reported the company’s development process, operation status and enterprise culture in brief. After listening to the introduction, Deputy Director Jin Xiandong said that Bandao Co., Ltd. was a typical enterprise in the electronics industry. It exploits a favorable situation to go up in competitive markets and maintains a stable growth in sales volume. It has established several R&D centers and production bases and denoted money for constructing hope primary schools. It is laudable that the company unites people with enterprise cultures. A good enterprise has a systematization project. As a labor-intensive enterprise, it has a very low employee turnover rate, which is only 5%-8%, showing that the enterprise culture is good.
Deputy Director Jin Xiandong said that finance was the blood of a country and advanced manufacturing was the backbone of a country. Ever since the trade war between China and the U.S. was launched, what impacts have been brought to electronics enterprises in foreign trade, finance, employment and industrial chain? They came to Shenzhen this time just to find out whether the enterprise had encountered special difficulties in the operation of the first half of this year and what influence had been exerted by industrial layout and domestic and foreign environments on the enterprise development so that the state can make corresponding adjustment in its policies.
General Manager Wei Honghai said that the company had formulated a five-year development program and was optimistic about the development next year. The trade war between China and the U.S. has a serious influence on the company’s businesses for clients in North America. Despite the market pressure, the company has found a solution from its own. By turning the crisis into an opportunity, it has grasped the market  initiative. The enterprise can still make a profit after adjustment and reforms. General Manager Wei Honghai also made a brief introduction about establishing factories in Vietnam, order transfer and industrial chain development. However, purchase of some raw materials and fluctuation of market prices are a problem. There are too many manual manipulation factors. Therefore, we need national policy management and support from government departments. The company will maintain an increase rate of 10%-15% but the current production bases in Pingshan cannot meet the demand of the development. It is a realistic problem. In the future, we will go globally, develop core technologies, follow a path of high-end manufacturing & R&D and set laboratories at a national level. We need support from leaders at different levels. Deputy Director Jin Xiandong responded to these problems one by one.
Then, in the R&D central area, Deputy Director Jin Xiandong and his party visited the presentation wall about R&D achievements and honors, OTA testing room, radiation disturbance testing room and other R&D environments. He  fully affirmed that Bandao Co., Ltd. had obtained the certificates of lab accreditation from China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and made achievements in electronics manufacturing. He  hoped that the enterprise could dovetail with national industrial demands, promote technological, platform and project construction, enhance the capacity of technological innovation, win more support from the state and Guangdong Province and make more contributions to the economic and social development of Guangdong Province.
Members of the investigation group also included Director Huang Wanpeng and Lin Bin of Comprehensive Division of National Development and Reform Commission, Peng Xiaopeng, a cadre of Comprehensive Division of National Development and Reform Commission; He Cheng, a researcher from Comprehensive Division of Development and Reform Commission of of Guangdong Province, Deputy Directors Yang Xiaowei & Li Zhen of Comprehensive Division of Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province; Deputy Director Meng Yijing of Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen City and Xue Qiwen, a section member from Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen City.

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