South China Zone of Bandao Co., Ltd. Holding the 2019 Inspirational Trudging Activity at Xinghu, Zhaoqing


Enjoy the scenery at Xingyan, expressing good feelings and setting up great aspirations. The landscape here is beyond compare. Trudge at Xinghu, tempering wills and physique. For truly great men, look to this age alone. On November 9, South China Zone of Bandao Co., Ltd. organized the 2019 inspirational trudging activity for the postadolescent group in Xinghu Scenic Spot, Zhaoqing City. Altogether, 149 people from south China Zone, including postadolescent employees above 36 years old (not including 36 years old) and some young employees who had not attended the inspirational trip to Matou Mountain for job-related reasons before, attended the activity.
In the activity, all employees trudged along the bank of the picturesque Xinghu Scenic Spot for 18 kilometers, tempering their will and physique and appreciating the beautiful scenery of the five lakes in Qixingyan. Many employees in the postadolescent group displayed a powerful strength. 14 employees completed the challenge within 3 hours. The 6th team headed by Ling Jingping won the “the best team award” with an average time of 3 hours and 2 minutes. Hu Changqun from No. 1 Manufacturing Department of South China Netcom won women’s first with a score of 2 hours and 14 minutes. Du Tianxi from Production Center of South China Netcom won men’s first with a score of 2 hours and 23 minutes.
After the activity, the sponsor commended the employees winning the first 15 places of the women’s team and the first 20 places of the men’s team at the prize-awarding conference. The company leader awarded prizes to them.
General Manager Wang delivered a summary speech at the prize-awarding conference. He said that during the prize-awarding section, he found that among all winning colleagues, women performed remarkably better than men. Before that, he knew from the internet that more and more girls had achieved good performances in college. He had not expected that women now could beat men not only in intelligence but also in physical power.
After that, General Manager Wang analyzed the current situation of the company, which could be described as “busy”. He said that everyone was busy with different matters and had proposed different slogans. Maybe you wonder whether such a busy state can always produce good results. Ever since the founding of the company, we have been eager to do two things, one is technology and the other is our own products, brands and markets. However, during the nearly 30 years ever since the company’s founding, we have failed to achieve the two targets. But the company has never given up this general target. So we are busy for it. From 2002 till now, the company has been serving as a communication terminal OEM. The foundation is very weak. On the one hand, we always hold such a purpose. On the other hand, the purpose is very far away from the reality. Therefore, we can always feel regret in our hearts. At the same time, modern science and technology are developing very rapidly with each passing day. To mention core technologies and product brands, we must master high technology.
General Manager Wang pointed out that we were now facing pressures from three aspects, i.e. survival, development and the era. If the pressure from survival is not relieved, employees’ remunerations cannot be increased. If the pressure from development is not relieved, the enterprise will have no future. If the pressure from the era is not relieved, we will be knocked out of this era. Therefore, the company has proposed different slogans and measures under these pressures. They are all means to relieve pressures. The ultimate purpose is to make the company realize its initial dreams. The company is making progress through learning from lessons and summarizing experience.  It is like today, everyone has completed the 18 kilometers of trudging. He hoped that everyone could hold on to the last on the path to realize the company’s target by carrying forward the spirit of the inspirational trip. He believed that in this long march, men employees would not fall behind women employees.

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