2021 ONE TEAM Project of East China Netcom Smoothly Launched


In order to identify the development goal, operation focus and strategy, identify the annual target of the company and the working target of each system department and make an effective connection between strategic planning and strategic execution, the ONE TEAM Project of East China Netcom came into being. On Jul. 17th, the launching ceremony for 2021 ONE TEAM Project of East China Netcom was solemnly held in Taicang Training Center. General Manager Hu Zumin and Deputy General Manager Long Xiaojing of the company attended the meeting by video and congratulated on the smooth launch of the project. Leaders and distinguished guests such as General Manager Yi Wanchun and Deputy General Manager Yang Jinke of East China Netcom, General Manager Chen Kai of the Human Resources and Administrative Management Center and consultants from Keystone Consulting Company attended the meeting on the spot.

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