2010 Annual Plan Conference of Bandao Electronics Was Successfully Held


On Jan 16, 2010, the 2010 annual plan conference of Bandao Electronics was held in Fenghua Cinema in Shekou Subdistrict. The entire cadres of Bandao Electronics and management levels of Shanghai Bandao Technology and Taicang T&W Electronics attended the conference. Tang Funan, the General Manager, concluded year 2009 and aired a report on the year 2010 plan, which delivered the message that T&W can achieve leaping development with hard work.
At the conference, Directors of the four business divisions, R&D/production/sales/QC/material control systems and the Development Research Dept, and management level of Shanghai Bandao Technology summarized their work in year 2009 and made key arrangements for year 2010. Wang Dawei, the Vice General Manager, concluded the conference. Mr. Tang and Mr. Wang subjectively summarized the achievements of T&W in year 2009 under the influences of the world-wide financial crisis, which fully reflected the company's solid basis for continuous development and provided basis for implementing the aim of three-year rapid development for T&W. The reports delivered at the conference were practical and inspiring. The strategic policy to further develop Taicang production base and achieve rapid development of Shanghai Bandao Technology was delivered, which was scientific, accurate and with profound practical and directive meanings.

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