Bandao Electronics Allocated Spring Festival Goods to 50 Tumor Sufferers


Shenzhen "Caring for Tumor Sufferers" Activity Was Ceremoniously Initiated

On Feb 3, the Shenzhen Red Cross initiated the "Caring for Tumor Sufferers" activity. Dozens of iKang Family members received spring festival goods (such as food, rice and oil) and tonics (such as Cordyceps sinensis and nutrients). During this activity, 500 tumor sufferers who have economical difficulties have received or will receive a spring festival package. It is learned that the iKang Family has thousands of members who suffered from tumors and economical difficulties. To help such tumor sufferers have a happy and warm spring festival, the Red Cross prepared spring festival goods for more than 500 sufferers who are extremely poor.
Mr. Qi Jianzhong, the general manager assistant of T&W, lead personnel of the General Management Office, T&W Artistic Troupe members and volunteer representatives to attend the initiation ceremony and gave a speech on behalf of donating companies. During this activity, T&W will allocate a group of volunteers to send spring festival goods to homes of 50 tumor suffers, adding a shining color to this beautiful city. This activity also encourages more personnel to care for others and enhance self ethics.

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