"Warm Winter" Campaign warms Shenzhen


Shenzhen T&W Charity Foundation sends Chinese New Year gifts to 100 cancer patients

On January 23, Shenzhen T&W Charity Foundation organized a New Year’s party under the theme of “Caring for Patients with Serious Illness” at Jing Ming Da Hotel in Futian District. The party was hosted by Shenzhen T&W Charity Foundation and co-sponsored by the Medical Oncology Committee of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Ai He Kang Cancer Care Center and Shenzhen Happiness Troupe.

The Foundation’s director-general Ms. Long Xiaojing, supervisor Qi Jianzhong, secretary-general Xie Lining, deputy chairman of the worker’s union of Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd., secretary-general of Shenzhen Association for Newspapers Shu Xin, secretary-general of Nanshan Volunteers Association Wu Peishi, vice chairman of the trade union of Shekou Merchants Street Lai Wenhuan, as well as other experts and scholars from Guangdong and Beijing oncology societies showed themselves at the party. Volunteers from T&W Charity Foundation and 100 cancer patients also joined the party, in which the Foundation’s director-general Ms. Long Xiaojing and supervisor Qi Jianzhong delivered a speech respectively, pointing out that "T&W Charity Foundation considers the caring campaign as a public benefit activity to give back to the society", and clarifying the Foundation’s objective of “repaying the society and promoting public welfare”.

In the party, the volunteers and guests gave out New Year gifts to the 100 cancer patients. Actors from Shenzhen Happiness Troupe offered wonderful artistic performances to celebrate the occasion.

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