China Dream, T&W Dream and My Dream: The Ninth T&W Speech Contest Final of New Employees Ignited Dreams Passionately


Today’s Choice and Tomorrow’s Development: The Ninth T&W Speech Contest entered into the final, and over four hundred T&W employees, cadres and employee representatives listened to passionate speeches of ten strong players in Conference Hall in the first floor of Xinqiao Production Factory. Chairman Wang Dawei gave a speech on the site and awarded a prize to Yang Zhengyan, the winner of Grade One Prize. 

Ten players from Shenzhen Bandao, Xinqiao T&W, Shanghai Bandao and Taicang T&W showed excellence of new employees on the stage. Most of them were T&W new employees born in 1990s, and they displayed unique personality and charm of the new generation. Liu Si from Xinqiao T&W and Su Wen from Communication Module Business Department obtained Grade Two Prize; Fan Landan, Ling Fuhai and Li Mu won Grade Three Prize; Zhang Lili, Chen Haohao, Liu Gao and Hua Jiafu won Excellence Prize. 

Chairman Wang said that new T&W employees were born in 1990s and will experience national revival with China Dream. The new employees will be just in their thirties in 2020. It’s a happy experience to realize individual dream on the grand stage of China Dream and the company’s development. 

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