Love Journey: The Party of General Manager Tang Attended Completion Ceremonies of Two Hope Primary Schools in Yunnan


Five people of the company including General Manager Tang Fonan and Vice General Manager Tang Xiaolin attended the completion ceremonies of Yunnan Xizhou T&W Hope Primary School and Yunnan Eryuan T&W Hope Primary School on December 26. 

Deputy Governor Hong of Dali Prefecture, the deputy mayor of Dali City, leaders of Care for the Next Generation Work Committee and local education departments as well as the party of General Manager Tang participated in the completion ceremony of Xizhou T&W Hope Primary School at 10:00 a.m. on that day. The reporter of Dali Daily also took part in the grand ceremony and learned about conditions of the company from Vice General Manager Tang and Yin Ze, the vice chairman of Trade Union. 

Accompanied by Director Yang of Prefecture Care of the Next Generation Working Committing, the party of Mr. Tang went to Yunnan Sanying Town Eryuan T&W Hope Primary School, another T&W hope primary school in Yuantou, Erhai, Yunnan and participated in the completion ceremony of Phase II Hope Primary School Project at 2:30 p.m. Leaders at different levels including Deputy Chief Li of Eryuan County, the chief of Education Bureau of Eryuan County, the chief of Sanying Town attended the celebration activity. General Manager Tang made a speech in the celebration ceremony, emphasized importance of education, stated the process of our company’s caring for the two hope primary schools in Yunnan and said that it will care for healthy growth of primary schools constantly as a charity enterprise. 

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