Green Relay and Striving to Be Green Envoys: Taicang T&W Held Green Environmental Protection Serial Activities


Taicang T&W developed 2014 Green Environmental Protection Serial Activities, practiced the concept of environmental protection of the company and conveyed positive energy in spring consecutively in March. The opening ceremony of the two activities of “Loving T&W and Striving to Be Little Green Envoys” and “Green Assistance and Striving to be Environmental Protection Pioneers” were held on March 18, and Chairman Wang Dawei led nearly 100 environmental protection envoys to plant fifteen little trees in the park zone and clean rubbishes in domestic zone. 

The opening ceremony of “Green Relay Journey” of Taicang T&W 2014 Environmental Protection Serial Activities was held in Tianjing Lake of Taicang on March 23, and fifty green environmental protection representatives of Bicycle Club and departments of the company participated in it. Although the green bicycle route was 8 kilometers, participants enjoyed dynamics and happiness of the relay journey. 

Taicang T&W 2014 Knowledge Contest of Environmental Protection Serial Activities: Environmental Protection Health Knowledge Competition was wonderfully held in R&D Training Room in the evening of March 26, which completed the green environmental protection activities. 


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