2014 Supplier Quality Conference Was Held Successfully


2014 Supplier Quality Conference was held by the company successfully in Xinqiao and Taicang successively in April. 

The supply chain system of the company held Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd 2014 Supplier Quality Conference in Xinqiao Meeting Hall and over 300 leaders and quality representatives from over 150 suppliers participated in the conference on April 12. 
2014 Supplier Quality Conference was held in Training Room of T&W R&D Building on April 19. Vice General Manager Wei Yiming, Vice General Manager Zhang Guoji, Quality System Director Liang Bin, Director Sun Fangxian from Taicang Quality Management and Control Center and relevant leaders from Material Center and Manufacturing Center in the two places attended and representatives of 86 local suppliers and some Shenzhen suppliers were invited to participate in the conference.

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