Taicang T&W Conferred the Title of “Suzhou Industrial Design Center”


On Nov. 16th, according to the requirements of Administrative Measures about Suzhou Industrial Design Center (Trial) and Notification on Organizing the Declaration for Suzhou Industrial Design Center in 2021, through procedures such as document declaration, recommendation by organization departments, formal examination, credit examination, expert review and Party group deliberation, our company was rated by Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Suzhou City as “Suzhou Industrial Design Center”.
The recognition as industrial design center this time not only marks that the construction efficiency of our company has been fully affirmed by industry and information technology departments of the city, but also lays a solid foundation for the construction of the company’s innovation platform and provides important guarantee for the company’s technological innovation and talent cultivation.
Next, from perspectives such as organizational chart, operation mechanism, expense input, talent cultivation and industry-university- research cooperation, the company will take more vigorous measures, further strengthen the construction of the industrial design center, keep on improving the enterprise’s R&D level and innovation capacity, and enhance the enterprise’s ability to popularize and apply new technologies and products. At the same time, it will fully play its role as industrial design center in the enterprise so as to promote the enterprise’s transformation and upgrading.

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